About me

Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, Xero, Pro Medicus

For many years I’ve been studying, researching and investing in some of the world’s best businesses trying to understand what makes them tick — and hoping to make some serious money for my effort. 

The thing is, nothing has ever come close to the rewards I’ve received for running my own company, The Rask Group. Perhaps 95% of my personal wealth is tied to the growth and success of the company I run every day. 

But it hasn’t been easy. In fact, to conjure the only French words that I know, it’s been f#%king brutal

Starting and growing a business enables you to leave an impact on the world, build a lifestyle you want, make others happy, and grow wealthyBut this only happens if you do it right…

My mission

It wasn’t until I started using a life coach that my business began to grow many times over. I discovered what I truly wanted from life and business, made hard changes, shaped up and began spending my days only on the things that had the most impact. 

Low effort, high reward. 

And not only has my business become more profitable than ever before, but my work-life balance is also better than I could have imagined a year or two ago.

One look at my Instagram on Saturday or Sunday will show you that I now have weekends (sorry in advance for all the hiking and fishing videos!).

With all of my experience in investing, business, marketing, technology and teams, see below, I had a lightbulb moment in 2023: I can help others do the same

My style

My style of coaching is nurturing but also very direct. I’ll support you — even if that means closing your business down for a better life — but I’ll also keep you accountable.

It’s a high impact of coaching because I genuinely care about what you’re creating and I’m humbled to be able to play a part in building something with you.

My core competencies and areas of focus are:

  • Brand creation
  • Marketing
  • Leadership 
  • Finance
  • Accounting and financials
  • Technology (though I’m not an engineer)
  • Scale
  • Team building & culture
  • Business structuring
  • Automation

I have lots of experience in many of the common tools people need to make their businesses flourish. Things like WordPress, Cloudflare, membership software, email and automated marketing, financial automation through Xero, the Google Workplace stack (Gmail, Drive, Scripts, Cloud, Chat, etc.), and everything in between.

Bottom line: if you have a 15-minute chat with me, I won’t waste your time. 

Brands I've built


My OG podcast series. ~60,000 Australian investors tune and it has grown in a huge community of public and private investors. I also get to speak directly with founders and Australia’s best CEOs.


Probably how you found me. I help nearly 10,000 small business owners run their business. Around 3,500 of them have also enrolled in my free business course. Don’t tell anyone but this is the podcast I’m most passionate about.


I’ve got got a funny story about this one (ask me) but this is the only asset/business I’ve ever bought. It’s early days but I reckon the ROI on this purchase will be 20-30x within a year or two.


The biggest podcast at Rask. I’ve worked with Kate for many years and grown this into Australia’s second-biggest business podcast series — it’s attracted 3.5m+ downloads per year.

Media platform

Many years ago, before ChatGPT was cool, I built a fully automated platform (i.e. the content on website writes itself). It was a big bet on ETFs + automation. It still attracts 30,000 investors. I thought I could sell it for $1 million. But I still own it (because I ran out of time and found better things to do!). #NoRegrets

Media platform

One of Australia’s 10 biggest investment news websites. People seem to think our podcasts or education platform are the jewel in Rask’s crown — they’d be wrong. I built this hyper-optimised website to collect, at one time, 300 new email subcribers per day. During the coaching sessions I will tell why this single asset created everything I’ve done today.

Education platform

We make $4 per student on our educational platform (it might sound great because we 21,000+ students… but it costs a lot to build and run). The website is so highly used that WordPress is being pushed to its absolute limits. I think it aready is, but I hope this will become Australia’s biggest for-profit financial education platform before 2025 (100,000 students). It’s snowballing! 

Private company

The Rask Group Pty Ltd is, as ASIC might put it, the “ultimate holding company” of many of the brands I have built. It runs our brands, podcasts, websites, memberships and communities, and I am the sole director and largest shareholder. We’ve only ever raised $120,000 from investors (but I’ve tipped in over $500k of lost wages and capital). As of early-mid 2023, we have 150,000 podcast listeners, 21,000 students, 4,400 members, 30,000+ free account holders, 60,000 monthly readers and 43,000 newsletter readers… and the most amazing small team with Australia’s (I’d say) best content creators and finance brands as partners. It humbles me every day. I get up at ~5:30 am to work, not because I have to — because I want to. 

Let's chat

Let’s catch up for a 15-minute chat about you and your business. It’s a zero-cost, zero-obligation chat just to see if we should work together. If I can’t help you out, I might know someone who can.