Join 270+ business owners on the waitlist

We’re launching our innovative business accelerator program in February 2024. It’s a fully online, community-based program, with industry experts across marketing, technology, HR, law, accounting and growth. 

That’s in addition to group coaching with me, Owen Rask, as well as Danil Goloubev and Jordan Kidis.

Business Accelerator

The acceleration program. COMING March 2024.

This is for all business owners who may be struggling to keep pace with a busier business or for those simply want more profit (yes, it’s possible). 

As you grow a business, cracks can appear. It’s okay. At first. 

But it means that reaching ‘escape velocity’ seems further and further away. The flywheel struggles to turn. 

Our accelerator program is our most intensive program, but I believe it’s also the most rewarding. And not just financially. 

The accelerator program launches in February 2024 and features a full curriculum by me and our team, expert Q&A with domain experts from across Australia, weekly group sessions, a ‘matchingprogram to connect with similar business owners, events and more. 

Our initial intake in February will be capped at less than 50 business owners. There’s already 260+ on the waitlist (early Jan 2024). 

So please don’t delay. It’s going to be big…




(Limited time discounts will be offered to 20 business owners on the waitlist)

Focused growth

Structured online program, with downloads, Q&A and video.

Expert Q&A with marketers, lawyers, accountants, HR leaders, technologists and founders. 

Weekly group sessions + full community access.

Peer matching & networking


Access to the full business owner knowledge bank

Ideas Lab

if you haven't started... yet.

Get access to our key business resources, documents and guides, like HR policies, onboarding manuals, preferred accountants and lawyers, etc., and combine it with a curriculum designed to help you launch your venture, properly. 

This is your cheatsheet to taking the very first steps towards your big business opportunity. I think it could save you years of mistakes and maybe even $100,000 or more… and that’s only if your business lives to tell the tale. 

Our four-part intensive starting-up program, covering:

  1. Vision, customer avatar, plans
  2. Business structuring & accounting 101
  3. Technology, bank accounts & tools
  4. HR mapping & financial planning 

New business pack:

$2,000 (only available to new businesses)



Expert Coaching

One on one coaching with me.

Designed for new business owners, whether you’re brand new or have just hired your 5th employee. I’ll work with you to identify current or potential spot fires, take an objective look at your systems to help you scale, and give you the guidance you need for success. I know how lonely the ‘soloprenuer’ journey can be, so you can treat me like your co-founder or reliable partner in crime.

Note: given my time constraints, it’s unlikely I can accept new coaching applications without a serious commitment to long-term growth.

Hourly rate:

$1,500 per hour



LEt me take care of a few things for you.

This is an ‘optional extra’ package I offer to micro, small and small-medium business owners who work with me on coaching. This is especially good for tradies, those seeking a simple but good online presence, marketers, consultants, as well as new business owners looking for someone to ‘take care of the tech stuff’.

We’ll bundle:

  1. A simple, secure and reliable WordPress website (like this one!)
  2. 3 x professional Gmail, Drive & Workspace accounts for your team (additional emails are $20 per month)
  3. Mailchimp newsletter set-up (up to 500 contacts, then Mailchimp’s fees are simply passed on)
  4. 3 x Notion users (and our HR templates)

Monthly cost:

$1,000 upfront, then $250 per month

Common questions

Typically, all coaching sessions with me take place before 10 am or after 3:30 pm during the week. 

I’ve found coaching sessions before work to be many times more effective than evening sessions (when most business owners, like me, are completely exhausted).

I’d love to see you in person but I know this isn’t always possible. For example, a lot of my clients live in cities away from me, or run purely online companies with distributed teams.

The business Accelerator is fully online, with occasional in-person events. Group session times vary. 

I’m extremely transparent with my fees because: a) I want you to know I’m serious about providing great outcomes, b) for you to do the same. 

We can negotiate fees during our initial call and from time to time we can find a middle ground. However, please know that I can only serve approximately 5 business owners, so my time, passion, and prices, reflect that.

Our Business Accelerator is a much more cost-efficient, extensive and longer-lived resource for you (plus, you’ll still have access to me and the other coaches!).

I’m willing (and like!) to travel to meet you and your team. In fact, I prefer to experience your business as a customer before accepting a coaching position (but ssh… normally business owners don’t notice I’ve already been for a test drive!).

If you request me to travel to your work or home, it will likely incur a reasonable travel charge, just to cover the cost (don’t worry, I’m flying in cattle class until you say otherwise!). 

In time, we will also be hosting events and community meetings as this type of focused networking is a powerful unlocker. 

Ready to rock?

The next step is to drop me an email by clicking the button below.

Send me your questions, feedback or hesitations and we’ll have a call in the next few days to discuss where you’re at, your needs and assess whether or not we can work together.